cent.ldn & Nandos’ Barci Candle is Everything But Plain(ish)

cent.ldn’s mission to do candles differently has birthed its wildest burner yet – a Nandos collaboration celebration of the unmistakable Barci.

Ah, Nandos. Has any other fast food restaurant chain’s flavor options ever been such a trigger for debate and ridicule? None that I can think of, anyway.

Despite being a South African brand; founded in Johannesburg in 1987, the chain is somewhat of a cultural phenomenon in the UK. Our music scene is littered with shoutouts, wordplay, and plenty of songs named after the chain to build a pretty self-sustaining playlist – or two, and lest we even get into a debate over what your spice of choice is. It can get pretty heated (no pun intended).

Though I’ve spotted the odd piece of worker’s uniform for sale in groups like Wavey Garms, official home merchandise is something new for the brand, and thanks to cent.ldn, it’s pretty desirable.

Following the release of its debut NFT and a series of London and music-themed collectible candles, cent.ldn dips into the world of peri-peri with a super-exclusive Nandos Barci candle.


The candle – as its name would suggest – recreates the iconic Barci Cockrel logo as a red hot, hand-crafted collectible. Unfortunately, the unique piece was created to be gifted to select friends of Nandos over the holiday period and isn’t available for purchase.

To all the peri-peri fanatics out there, you’ll have to settle for a half chicken (or vegan/veggie option) with a side of cent.ldn’s current offering of candles, which you can shop online now.

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Author: Sam Cole