Chart Of Countries That Work The Most Hours Annually

Chart Of Countries That Work The Most Hours Annually

This is a chart detailing the countries with citizens that work the most 8-hour workdays per year. As you can see, Central and South American countries dominate the top three spots. I was surprised to see Costa Rica so high, I thought they were all about Pura Vida and hammocks. The US finished 9th, and certainly not by choice, but because all countries in the EU guarantee workers at least 4 weeks of paid vacation. That said, since COVID and so many people working remotely, I seriously doubt the US is working as many 8 hours days as this chart would lead you to believe. Most people I know working from home put in a solid gelatinous 3, MAYBE 4 hours tops between watching television and running errands, and I’m cashed after 2. Continue reading

If You Like ‘The Bear,’ Watch This Underrated Chef Comedy Series

Whites, the BBC comedy from 2010 was rich with offbeat, idiosyncratic humor. In its one-season, 6-episode run, Whites managed to infuse large doses of laughs into an all too short-lived series. Much like The Bear and how it shows the inner workings of a restaurant staff, Whites follows the chaos and dismay that is working in a kitchen. Roland White (Alan Davies) is the executive chef who usually puts his self-interests ahead of his kitchen; Bib (Darren Boyd) is the no-nonsense sous chef who tries to keep things afloat in spite of Roland’s unprofessionalism. Each episode provides its own flavor. That flavor could be Roland poisoning a rival, Bib spilling something in a sports car, or shortcuts taken during a health inspection. Like a well-prepared meal, the episodes tie together so that even small details can be used for comedy. Continue reading