New specialist dubstep online store, 140 Plates, launches

A new specialist dubstep record store, 140 Plates, has launched online. 

Established by Pieter Grauwels (pictured), the face behind the highly respected DUPLOC label and the Dubstep Awards, the digital download shop will specialise in UK-influenced dubstep sounds and electronic music in the 140BPM range. 

The platform is also promising fair remuneration for artists and rights holders from all sales, with the business taking a cut around three times lower than competitors. What’s described as an “intelligent algorithm”, perfected by IT specialists sClouds, is also being used to deliver a unique user experience. 

“Digital music stores tend not to promote dubstep and 140 music as it doesn’t bring in the same kind of revenue as other genres, it rarely sees promotion or support on their homepage, and yet the customer, and creator, is still charged quite a lot. Leaving the artist or music creator with less than we feel they deserve. We’re here to change that,” said Grauwels. “Dubstep and 140 is our passion and love, so we push the music genre throughout the entire website and pay artists more fairly, taking way less of a cut of sales for ourselves.”

This is the latest in a string of new record store openings in the UK. Last month we reported on Bristol-based label Shall Not Fade‘s first shop in the English city. Meanwhile, Belfast tastemaker Marion Hawkes unveiled Sound Advice to heads in the Northern Irish capital late October. And in London, Third Man Records has launched, offering a chance to not only buy but also press vinyl. 

The shop is promising better returns for artists and rights holders

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New specialist dubstep online store, 140 Plates, launches
New specialist dubstep online store, 140 Plates, launches

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Author: Martin Guttridge-Hewitt