Spiders by Franco Spagnolo — Character Design

Spiders by Franco Spagnolo — Character Design


It still stunned me how after many years, we still discover new artists to feature on abdz. Introducing Franco Spagnolo, a character designer, animation artist and illustrator from Buenos Aires, Argentina. With this week’s buzz trailer with ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home‘, I wanted to share an illustration series titled ‘Spiders’ and they are super amazing. I love how the arms and legs are slightly thin and just totally define the style of it all. Hope you will like it! Continue reading

Lungs & You: The Journey — Animation Case Study

Lungs & You: The Journey — Animation Case Study


Cream was approached by Wunderman Thompson DC to create an animated TV spot that visualizes the desolate journey of someone suffering with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). It aired during a documentary on lung disease and its purpose was to target those who can relate. ILD is a terminal disease that is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and takes an emotional toll on those who are struggling to find answers. Lungs & You offers patients support, resources and guidance and greatly improves their outlook for the precious remaining years they have left. Continue reading