A Short Documentary Explores the Life of the ‘Artifact Artist’ Who’s Been Excavating New York City’s Trash for Decades

Jordan in his home

Descending into old privies, scouring landfills, and sneaking onto construction sites in the middle of the night are habitual activities for urban archaeologist Scott Jordan. For nearly five decades, he’s been excavating the trash and forgotten artifacts buried deep underneath New York City’s residential areas and fast-growing developments. His findings are diverse and revealing of the area’s past, offering a glimpse into the consumption habits and lifestyles of previous generations that date back to the 18th Century. Continue reading

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Monday Motion Spotlight – Javier Torres

Monday Motion Spotlight – Javier Torres


Javier Torres shared his first Design Reel with some of the work done for projects in Design and 3D Animation including branding, logo design and graphic design in general during  the years 2018 to 2020. It’s awesome to see the difference in the range and quality of the work. Tools used were the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator…)as well as Maxon Cinema 4D andOctane Render. Continue reading

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