The Worst Sitcom Family Isn’t Even Human

Leo Tolstoy once said that all happy families are alike, but all unhappy families are unhappy in their own ways. Thus, it’s no surprise that happy families are so few. For a family to be happy, every little component needs to work together in harmony, but there are an infinite number of variables that could go wrong. So, it’s no surprise that dysfunctional families are so copious on TV. Each unhappy family has an often poignant, but always unique story to tell about itself. You have your Roys from Succession, Reynolds from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Bluths from Arrested Development, each of them unhappy and dysfunctional in their own ways. But none of these families come as unhappy as the Horseman from BoJack Horseman.

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Author: Nischal Niraula