Visual Identity Reframes Conversation Around Obesity by Turner Duckworth

Visual Identity Reframes Conversation Around Obesity by Turner Duckworth

Turner Duckworth for Pennington Biomedical


Global design agency, Turner Duckworth, recently worked with Pennington Biomedical Research Center to transform its visual identity. A world leader at the forefront of medical research discovery, Pennington Biomedical’s mission is to eradicate obesity by 2040.

We particularly love Turner Duckworth’s approach in creating a new identity that departs from the cold, sterile norms of scientific visual identities to drive increased awareness to such a meaningful advocacy campaign surrounding a global epidemic. 

Our goal was to reflect the world-class caliber of both the organization and the science itself,” says Andy Baron, Executive Creative Director, Turner Duckworth.

The work we see here is based on a simple insight. The biggest advancements in science come not from huge leaps, but from small shifts. Collectively, over time, these shifts can inspire new discoveries, changes in perspective and ultimately, new human behaviors.

Small shifts appear throughout the work in places both large and small. The brand symbol is the clearest representation of this idea—by flipping a “P” upside down, you get a lowercase “b”—a small shift of a single letterform results in a periodic table-inspired monogram. A small shift with big impact, that informs moments of discovery and visual wit throughout the system.

Because of the complexity and seriousness of the topic, Turner Duckworth selected clear, readable, and fairly neutral typography. 

“We wanted to strike a balance between credibility and curiosity, and to design work that is both informative and engaging,” says Chris Partelow, Creative Director, Turner Duckworth. “While Pennington Biomedical’s work speaks for itself, our hope is that more people become aware of it as they interact with the new identity.”

Look out for the new campaign via Pennington Biomedical’s site and a PSA campaign, ‘Obecity USA’, created by Razorfish launched nationally May 6, 2021.  

Pennington Biomedical Posters Heart & Strawberry

Pennington Biomedical Logo Lockup

Pennington Biomedical Sodium Bloodstream

Pennington Biomedical Website Obesity

Pennington Biomedical Website Childhood Obesity

Pennington Biomedical Tongue Diagram

Pennington Biomedical Obesity Subway Billboard

Pennington Biomedical Social Media Instagram Posts

Pennington Biomedical Obesity OOH Billboard

Pennington Biomedical Typographic Posters

Pennington Biomedical Banana Sticker Label

Pennington Biomedical Brain Diagram OOH Billboard

Pennington Biomedical Obesity OOH Bus Shed Poster


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Author: ibby