Sploastce: Aryo Toh Djojo is a Modern Storyteller

Sploastce: Aryo Toh Djojo is a Modern Storyteller
There is a moment in the paintings of Aryo Toh Djojo where dusk begins to settle and the light begins to blur between pinks and oranges. The work looks as if the concept of memory is being applied to canvas, a conceptual idea of how we utilize nostalgia and process time in the most cinematic of expressions. Cinema is a backdrop to Toh Djojo’s work, a sense of wonder and dichotomy between fantasy and reality. He is a director in a sense, utilizing the airbrush as a camera and observing the California landscape with both a universal wonder and extraterrestrial appreciation. Life is more than just what we see, and the haze of Toh Djojo’s airbrush obscures our normal vision,…

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