Kings of Convenience – Catholic Country (Ft. Feist)

Sounds like:
The Whitest Boy Alive, Nick Drake, Villagers

What’s so good?

What Kings of Convenience manage to accomplish with just an acoustic guitar, keys, a shaker, and beautiful vocals is unfathomable. “Catholic Country” is just that. It’s slow, breezy and low-key, with more than enough texture to keep things interesting.There’s a sense of familiarity in “Catholiic Country”, like a long-lost whisper carried on the wind. It winds its way through your bones, and the feeling of being home settles comfortably into your chest. In true KOC form, this latest single is simplistic and unadorned – and therein lies its beauty.The intricate melodies of acoustic guitars unfold around Eirik Glambek Bøe and Erlend Øye’s delicate and sincere vocals, each spiralling around the other like a tapestry. There’s a definite Bossa-Nova feel to the track, but it’s featherlight and clean, full of feeling and sparkle. It’s the sonic equivalent to lying under a pile of blankets and looking out the window as the rain pours down, steaming cup of tea in hand, fuzzy socks on your feet, maybe a cat on your lap purring softly. It’s comforting and containing in the gentlest, coziest way.

1. Original post: Kings of Convenience – Catholic Country (Ft. Feist)

2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle’s Indie Music Blog.

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