GZ Grant – Timelines

Sounds like:
Film School,

What’s so good?

With a krautrock-inspired circular drum-bass pattern, GZ Grant’s “Timelines” is a world into which the listener can easily get ensnared. Before too long, the way back is out of sight and one moves deeper and deeper into the shoegazey experimental vocal delays and harmonies.The lyrics require focus to see through the haze, as with all good things. Listen close enough, and the poignancy becomes apparent: “What is a lifetime? It’s only a passing phase. It’s only a passageway.”A life, not dissimilar to a song, is a passageway, and GZ Grant’s “Timelines” entering the stream of our lives adds to its passing with a sense of beauty, precision, and creativity — and what a beautiful mark that is to leave in this cascading change that we are all a part of.

1. Original post: GZ Grant – Timelines

2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle’s Indie Music Blog.

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