Carter Vail – Kafka

Sounds like:
fanclubwallet, Toth, pizzagirl

What’s so good?

Metaphysical MurakamiA novelist’s delight, “Kafka” is a joyful soft alt track that gives me all the feels in all the right wintery places.Most people can relate when I talk about cloudy beaches, we all know that feeling! Cloudy beaches are such a vibe and this track by Carter Vail gives me the best little winter beach feeling.It has that “montage” feeling that every soft alt track has, but it sprinkles it with a little bit of new age metaphysical sounds – the name sake Kafka on The Shore isn’t a book I thought would have a soundtrack or main theme, but if it did – this would be it.

1. Original post: Carter Vail – Kafka

2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle’s Indie Music Blog.

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