Alexander Flood – Berlin

Sounds like:
DoomCannon, Gianni Brezzo, Ebi Soda

What’s so good?

It’s hard not to love a song when the visionary behind it is a highly-skilled percussionist. “Berlin” marks the first single from Alexander Flood’s newest LP, Oscillate, and is a baited hook for all nu-jazz and downtempo lovers.I think this is the perfect sunset track, better yet if that sunset is watched from a rooftop with a cocktail close at hand. The flute brings a unique feel to it and the vocal sample lends itself toward that loungey spaciousness that evening requires. The music video is also wonderful to watch as it shows the audience how it all comes together.If you’re loving “Berlin,” you can keep up with Alex’s releases via Spotify.

1. Original post: Alexander Flood – Berlin

2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle’s Indie Music Blog.

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