Cute Cat Hats by Amélie Segarceanu

Amélie Segarceanu is like the Karl Lagerfeld in the cat world. Her materials aren’t cheap dollar store arts and crafts paper, but rather fine merino wool. If you wish to take your cat’s general coolness to the next level, check out Amélie’s Etsy store. Featured below are some of our favorites. Continue reading

Fashion Illustrations by SEUNGWON HONG

Fashion Illustrations by SEUNGWON HONG


We are back with another series by the talented SEUNGWON HONG where we have featured his work before. I love his contemporary painting illustration featuring stylish fashion men in his series titled ‘Sartorial Painting Collection’. You should also definitely checkout this Instagram @maestrohsw, a beautiful attempt to showcase the wonderful and varied sartorial tastes of real people. Continue reading