All-electric VW camper van becomes the eco RV the world demands

All-electric camper vans have been slow to materialize, limited to concept cars and a very select few compact vans scattered about Europe. What the world has really been wanting to see is a pop-up Volkswagen Bulli camper van with comfortable floor plan and pure battery power. VW has one in its plans, but that won’t happen for a few more years. In the meantime, German converter Flowcamper steps in with the Frieda Volt. Based on the VW T5/T6, the new van swaps its combustion engine for an all-electric powertrain and gets a flexible, modular interior that seats five and sleeps up to four. And, yes, there’s even a toilet. Continue reading

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8 Horror Movies to Check Out if You Liked ‘Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness’

After almost five years, the long-awaited sequel to Doctor Strange is finally here. Despite multiple delays and a change in director, the follow-up to one of Marvel’s most underrated solo films is smashing box office numbers and surprising fans. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, released on May 6, 2022, and stars Benedict Cumberbatch, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Wong, and Xochitl Gomez. Continue reading

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