Aunty Social – Unsmiling

Sounds like:
Boyish, Jordana


Aunty Social – Unsmiling

What’s so good?

I often talk about lyrics in my posts, but it’s rare that I feel truly awed by them. Well, rare is the case in Aunty Social’s “Unsmiling” because if I could write 1/16th as well as her, I’d be 100% satisfied in my abilities.Moving on to the music video, I’m once again blown away. Not only is it visually appealing but the concept that comes across for me is exciting and displays a level of artistry that I feel a natural admiration towards. Seated at a dinner table, Daniela Gitto is adorned with a pearl-studded dog cone, unable to scratch an itch or lick a wound.Sometimes, the person on the other end of a relationship can feel just like that — an itch to scratch or a wound to lick. This applies more so to passion-filled connections, yet it goes by, for the most part, unnoticed until the very end. Though somewhere in us, we knew all along. Speaking to the track Daniela says:“This song is about a relationship between two people. The relationship is fueled by passion and killed by emotional instability. The conflict between feeling intensely and their impulsive ways of expressing it creates an addiction to excitement and unpredictability. Deep down, they both want a chance at domesticity and regularity, but it is impossible because their relationship was already built from its inevitable destruction.”Aunty Social’s new EP, It Looks Friendly, will be released on September 24, 2021. “Unsmiling” marks the first single.

1. Original post: Aunty Social – Unsmiling

2. Find more music on Indie Shuffle’s Indie Music Blog.

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