An Ode To Travel: The Diaries of Patrick Trefz

We have spent countless pages talking about how much the pandemic has impacted the creative world over the past two years, and in particular, we realize more and more of what has been lost, including the ability to travel. We miss the exploration, the thrill of experiencing new topography, architecture, personalities, food and the in-between moments of discovery that now feel like a distant memory. Photographer and filmmaker Patrick Trefz was an avid adventurer, who lived his art by getting on planes, boats and trains as he sought inspiration. “Travel was always a way for me to be fully immersed in the pursuit of that art life,” Trefz told us. “Wandering the globe to explore and discover, exposure to culture,…

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Illustration for the Vietnam’s Architectural Culture

Illustration for the Vietnam’s Architectural Culture


Todd Huynh shared a set of illustrations that now are part of the collection for the SỢI MẮC SỢI MÀNH exhibition. The collection consists of 12 paintings inspired by the beauty of Vietnamese cultural architecture. Vietnam is a country with 54 ethnic groups, therefore, this is also the land for many unique cultures, and one of the features of those cultures is the architecture. With this collection of paintings, I want to celebrate the beauty of that architectural heritage by putting them in surrealistic space.  Continue reading